My “Rocket Stove”

My “Rocket Stove”

I was reading about wood splitters’ one day and the article mentioned rocket stoves. After I googled it I decided I had to have one.

There were many designs. How would I settle on the right one?

Most of them seemed small or not built to last (tin cans!!??) I couldn’t own something made out of “tin”.

The rocket stove works on the principle of lots of forced air moving over a fire causing rapid combustion. The forced air comes from the fact the fire is actually burning in the chimney! That is where the highest velocity air would be.

The existing ones had some things I liked: 1) portability, 2)able to run on very small pieces of wood, 3) able to start up quickly with little effort.

After looking at existing ones, I decided mine would have to have two features I had not found: 1) tall enough so I could use the cooking surface without bending over too much, 2) an ash chamber to allow extended burns.

Off to the shop. I found some square and rectangular tube, some flat sheet steel and some 1/2″ steel bar for handle and legs.

A little cutting, a little welding and home for a test run!


     Click on the picture to enlarge!

She works! It even sounds like a rocket when burning, which is where the name rocket stove came from.

The rocket stove will produce enough heat to pop popcorn! It will also boil water faster than our gas stove in the house.

The stove will produce the pretty flames shown in the photo when fed soft wood like pine or spruce. A higher heat, but, less visible flame comes from burning oak.


  Click on picture to enlarge!

The ash compartment (the piece of tube at the base, just above the legs) will hold all the ash without filling if you were to run the stove continuously for 8 to 10 hours.

I have used the stove about a dozen times. always the wood is completely burned. The stove produces almost no smoke after initial startup, which can take 5 to 10 minutes.

Since the photos, I have painted the stove white, that was the only color high temp paint I had.

I now keep my rocket stove at my shed, and most fireups have been on cool days. It is a comforting heat source when working outside, and you never know when you are going to need a quick warm sandwich!!

11 Responses to “My “Rocket Stove””

  1. Ammar says:

    Thank you Mr John for this wondefull stove could you please send me the dimension of this stove in a photo bcause we need it nowadys in syria for cooking and heating

  2. jose vivar says:

    hello friend
    you send the measurements of your Rocket Stove I’d build one.


  3. Bill says:

    If you could send the dimensions of your wonderful looking Rocket Stove I will build one out of aluminum or stainless.

    Also, is that a SLIDING Sleeve on the intake to extend the burn chamber size??

    Thank You
    Bill N.

  4. angelo pacino says:

    If you could send the dimensions of your wonderful looking Rocket Stove. I will build one of stainless. thanks.
    Best regards.
    Angelo Pacino.
    E-mail; [email protected]

  5. Chow Meng Chu says:


    I like your design. I wonder if you could send the dimensions.

    Thank you

  6. Geert says:

    Dear John,

    Where can we find more info or details of your rocket stove?

    Thank you for more information.

  7. kike says:

    try with this page, is in spanish but for me was easy to make my rocket stove. ( measurements are in metric system. )

  8. John Lawless says:

    I’m kinda like the others and would love all the measurements. Many thanks

  9. kaara says:

    please Mr send me the dimensions

  10. May I please get the specs on this stove?….or is there some plans or detail directions I can obtain to re-create this stove!

  11. Terry says:

    I have tried a couple designs and don’t seem to burn as stated
    This looks as if it will completely do as stated because of size and with the ash chambers design.
    I would like it for my shop
    Please could you send dimensions and sketch if you could please

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